Thursday, February 25, 2010

Concordance? But I'm a terrible dancer...

I think with concordance that it’s important to remember that conjunctive thinking is an acquired skill. We may be dealing with people that are unable to use the tools available for reasons that have very little to do with language processing. In fact, I’d like to open this issue up for general discussion, if anyone is willing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Podcast Info

Tackling Tipping: A Discussion of Paying for Service

In this two-person podcast English Language Learners living in the United States will hear differing opinions on the act of tipping. Speakers, Aja Gorham and Jesse Ackles, present two different views on popular American practice of tipping to rouse class debate/discussion amongst beginning and intermediate students about tipping practices and beliefs in the classroom. These opinions do not represent rules about American practices, but two viewpoints on a large scale.

For more thorough, researched facts regarding tipping practices please consult the independent website listed below:


This podcast can be incorporated as the cultural competency component into a restaurant-themed lesson: set-up by the restaurant subject matter, used the crux of a listening activity with the question serving a follow up activity.


While this podcast is intended for cultural competency purposes, students may need to know the following words:

* Waitress
* Job
* Service